Privacy Policy

At Paw-Position we take looking after your personal information seriously. The Information that you provide will only be used for the specific purpose of identifying you as the person who is the owner of a dog referred to us by you for behavior adjustment or training . Your personal details will not be shared by us with any other party except if requested to by a statory authority for legal or statutory reasons or, with your express agreement.

The only information that we keep will be that given to us either by you or another canine professional and will consist only of the following:–      

– The dog owner(s) name, address and contact phone number(s)

– The dog(s) name, gender, age and breed

– Details of the original presenting behavioral problems where appropriate

 -The behavior or training plan that is shared with you following the first and any subsequent consultations

 Your details will be stored electronically within our email and portable data storage systems, which are both password protected. However, if you wish to have your details removed then please email us and we will remove your data. Otherwise, your details will be held indefinitely so we can maintain records of the dogs that have been brought to us for help and that we can:

–  Refer back to your dog’s history should you wish to re-engage with us for any reason in the future

– We can use the information in respect of your dog’s age, gender, breed and behaviour patterns as a part of any research projects that we make undertake. In this case you own personal information will not be used.